In collaboration with the factory, we offer our clients advice and all necessary information on the products. We also give advice on the registration and brand development, along with the export-import of the product in the desired country.
Together with the factory, we develop the product based on customer needs. Once the product is developed, we begin with the artwork from scratch, creating brand and packaging.
In order to offer our clients the range of products they need, we have strategically located four offices in Far East. These offices are responsible for purchasing, organization, quality control (either internal or external with SGS) and logistics of the products together with the European Commercial Office. The location of the offices in Far East are: two offices located in China, one Malaysian and one in Indonesia. Our main commercial office is located in Salzburg, Austria.
Euro Disposables, in partnership with leading logistics companies, specialized in transport from Asia to Europe, provides a safety service from origin to the desired client´s destination. All our transport service includes an insurance of 100{9a4519d25b5933615fe0ca56067383bc57e71037fe22e76ddcd4a608da2e9a8c} of the value of the goods transported.
Based on our experience, we support our customers for submitting public European tenders giving them all the information, certification and samples needed for them to obtain them.
Due to the localization of our offices and international agreements with various companies, we also offer our customers the option of market research on product placement or companies in different countries such as; Europe: Spain, Austria, Britain, Germany, Romania and Asia: China.